Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 12th Benefit for Ntaboba's New Leg!

Artwork by Julia Riodan Scherer

Ntaboba is a little boy whose leg was blown up by a hand grenade explosion when he was 3 years old. He is 8-years old now and uses a metal rod as a crutch to walk to school each day. He is a an excellent student, and he never misses a day of school.

Orphans who attend school through charitable donations, Amani, and Ntaboba.

When Margaret saw Ntaboba, her heart broke. Watching him walk, she realized that his spine was becoming deformed by his dependence on the rod; his little body twisted unnaturally with each small step as he struggled to keep his balance. But without the rod, he could not get to school . . . and not attending school was never an option for this bright child.

 Margaret and Betty decided to help Ntaboba. Back home in Rhode Island, they contacted doctors who volunteered to do the surgery and donate his hospital stay and prosthesis. But the procedure will take up to two months, so he must stay in the US while recovering from the first surgery before receiving his new leg. Arrangements have been made for a family friend to accompany him, as his mother cannot leave her other children that long. 

The Benefit Yard Sale is being held this Saturday, June 12th,  in Kingston Rhode Island by Julia Riordan Scherer. An artist of some renown, she will donate the proceeds to transportation costs for Ntaboba and his traveling companion.

The Benefit address: 1577 South Road       Kingston, Rhode Island  02881     9am - 4pm

You can give this child the opportunity for a normal life by making a contribution now. Anyone wishing to help Ntaboba's cause can donate through paypal at my website. Donations are fully tax deductible   Please indicate that donation is for Ntaboba.

Or you can send a check to: ECW PO Box 60940, Santa Barbara CA, 93111. Please write "Ntaboba" on check.

With love and gratitude,

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